Apex SkyCam

Apex SkyCam was born out of a passion for photography and a love of flight. This journey began when I started helping a friend in the construction industry take photos of a job site. The positive feedback and growing demand for high-quality aerial images quickly turned this hobby into a business. Recognizing the potential, I became a certified drone pilot to provide professional services. Today, Apex SkyCam leverages advanced drone technology to offer top-notch construction progression and orthomosaic mapping services, helping clients track and document their projects with precision and efficiency.


Experience the precision and efficiency of our services catered for construction projects. Let us provide you with detailed data to elevate your progress reports.

Enhance your projects with our thorough progress reports embedded with insightful data. Discover a new level of project management with Apex SkyCam.


Accurately know how many cubic yards are in a particular pile of aggregate. Our stockpile measurement technology is a game changer, providing precise data to streamline your logistics.


We capture interiors with a drone fly-through, which is ideal for larger-scale warehouses. This technology ensures thorough and accurate documentation of your project.


Drone roof inspections provide safe, efficient, and detailed assessments, reducing the need for manual inspections. This technology quickly identifies issues, minimizes risks, and saves time and costs


360° pictures on construction sites provide comprehensive views for better project monitoring and documentation. This technology enhances inspection efficiency, identifies issues early, and saves time and costs.

Discover our latest drone projects